Hard Blok

Since 1986, Hard Blok has produced their uniquely formulated cement-based Water Jacket Filler with refined, size-graded iron particles to strengthen high-performance race engines while improving vibration dampening and heat dissipation. Optimal for cast iron blocks but also proven effective in aluminum blocks, Hard Block helps protect engines under the most demanding racing conditions.


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Hard Blok - 860212 - Hard Blok Water Jacket Filler - Short Fill
Hard Blok - 860212 - Hard Blok Water Jacket Filler - Short Fill
204,93 €
(163,29 €, DPH 0)
Dostupné skladom
Hard Blok - 860228 - Hard Blok Water Jacket Filler - Tall Fill
Hard Blok - 860228 - Hard Blok Water Jacket Filler - Tall Fill
280,38 €
(223,41 €, DPH 0)
Dostupné skladom